Volume List  / Volume 12 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2022.12(1).02

12 / 1 / 21 - 34 Pages


Haddad Louiza - Laboratory of natural hazards and territorial planning, University Batna2, Algeria -

Aouachria Zeroual - Applied Energy Physics Laboratory (LPEA), University Batna1, Algeria -


The main purpose of this work is to show how to optimize the use of urban soils in conjunction with its transportation network to save residential areas from the air pollution generated by vehicles. The model evokes the spatial elements and problems necessary for the representation of the urban environment with precision in the development of residential land use. This model also predicts the degree of pollution of already existing residential areas. The approach is based on the minimum distance between the road and the residential area for which the air quality remains acceptable for human health. The mathematical analysis will allow a better planning of the urban transport network. The effect and impact of the transport network on urban air quality is presented based on geo-spatial analyzes. The results will help to reduce the negative impacts of transport on the air quality, particularly in the urban domain. Through this mathematical modelling, sustainable development will be achieved by defining the residential zone that will be spared from pollution due to the transport network and delimit the polluted part of the already existing zone. The solution adopted is to show how the soil must be exploited with regards to the transport network and residential areas.

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