Volume List  / Volume 2 (1)



2 / 1 / 70-82 Pages


Ivana Kecman - Institute Kirilo Savic, Vojvode Stepe Street 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -

Katarina Antić - Institute Kirilo Savic, Vojvode Stepe Street 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -

Marija Babić - Institute Kirilo Savic, Vojvode Stepe Street 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -

Vesna Pavelkić - Institute Kirilo Savic, Vojvode Stepe Street 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -


Road transport has contributed significantly to increasing air pollution in Serbia. This paper deals with characteristics of road transport in Serbia examined from the aspect of its contribution to overall air pollution. This is done by comparative analysis of changes in amounts of air pollution substances produced by road traffic in Serbia and in EEA-32 countries, in a last two decades. The goal of this paper is to examine the causes for current situation in road transport in Serbia in terms of air pollution and attempt to identify some of the most important measures that have contributed to transport related air pollution reduction in EEA-32 countries. This paper also attempts to give brief review of the level of inventorying and reporting of transport related emissions in Serbia and emphasize the importance of establishing and maintaining accurate and reliable transport related emission databases.

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This study was supported by Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia, Project No. 172015.


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