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2 / 1 / 83-97 Pages


Sik Sumaedi - Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science -

I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti - Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science -

Medi Yarmen - Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science -


Behavioral intentions have been much discussed in marketing literature. Surprisingly, except for airline industry, few studies have been found in transportation industries. This paper studies the public transport passengers’ behavioral intentions in Jakarta city, especially paratransit’s passengers. This paper explores the relationship between passengers’ behavioral intentions and other latent factors, including satisfaction, perceived value, perceived sacrifice, and service quality. The empirical data were drawn from 339 paratransit’s passengers using questionnaire method. Structural Equation Modeling technique is used to analyze the conceptualized relationship model. The empirical results reveal that perceived value and service quality significantly affect passengers’ behavioral intention. The results also show that perceived value is significantly affected by service quality and perceived sacrifice. From the empirical results, managerial implications are discussed.

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This research was supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology. We would also like to thanks to Tri Widianti, Nidya Judhi Astrini, Tri Rakmawati, Ika Fitriana Hapsari, Dewi Indah Vebriyanti and all personnel of Research Center for Quality System and Testing Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science that involved in the research.


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