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2 / 1 / 60-69 Pages


Aji Suraji - Civil Engineering Department, University of Widyagama Malang, East Java, Indonesia -

Ngudi Tjahjono - Industrial Engineering Department, University of Widyagama Malang, East Java, Indonesia -


Traffic safety should be given the highest priority in order to reduce accidents. It seems that motorcycles give the most contribution to accidents than other vehicles, especially in urban area. The accidents are caused by poor condition factors of the motorcycles. Therefore, it is important to know the motorcycle aspect as a base to implement an action program to reduce accident risks. The objectives of this research were to analyze motorcycle aspect on accident risks including tires, brakes, lamps, engines, chassis, mirrors, conspicuity, and equipments for riding. This was a perceptional research where the victims are as respondents, and questionnaire forms were given to 50 respondents. The method of analysis used in this research was Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results of this research indicate that tires, brakes and equipments, did not give significant influence on factors causing the accidents. However, the other variables namely lamps, engines, chassis, mirrors and conspicuity gave significant influence on traffic accident risks. Final modeling results that were obtained showed that the factors that cause motorcycle accidents are the following: lamps, engine, chassis, mirrors, and conspicuity.

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This research was carried out by the financial support of Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, through Research Grant Competition (PHB) in the fiscal year 2007 with Number of Contract: 212/SP2H/PP/DP2M/III/2007, in 12th March 2007. All the contribution are acknowledged.


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