DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(4).09
8 / 4 / 513 - 527 Pages
Muhammad Ashraf Javid - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nizwa, Initial Campus at Birkat-al-Mouz, 616, Nizwa, Oman -
The quality of public transportation modes plays significant role in the mobility of people. Their competitiveness with private transport in terms of service quality and performance is very important in making modal shift. People often tend to own and use private vehicle when they have negative perceptions regarding public transportation. Therefore, this study aims to make comparative assessment of attitudinal dimensions of wagon as public transport mode and motorcycle as private mode considering the perceptions of the people with the help of a questionnaire survey. This survey was conducted in Lahore city at suitable locations and 320 samples were collected. Analysis of results revealed that people possess negative attitudes towards wagon service whereas their attitudes are strongly positive with most of the dimensions of motorcycle. Factor analyses resulted in three latent variables both for motorcycle and wagon mode. The common factors include instrumental and service dimensions whereas specific factors are user’s friendly dimensions and cost and safety dimensions for motorcycle and wagon, respectively. Mode priority selection and wagon specific attitudes are significant factors in determining the people’s preference to use wagon service under different scenarios. People’s positive attitudes on motorcycle dimensions have significant relationship with people tendency to use wagon service. These findings demand valuable improvements in the service quality of wagon service considering the perceptions of the local citizens.
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public transport;
questionnaire survey;
factor analysis;
This research was conducted at University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Authors are thankful to those who helped in this study especially in conducting the survey.
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