Volume List  / Volume 3 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(4).10

3 / 4 / 479-494 Pages


Millicent Awialie Akaateba - Department of Planning and Management, FPLM, University for Development Studies Wa, Ghana -

Richard Amoh-Gyimah - CSIR–Building and Road Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana -


This study investigated age and gender related differences in drivers’ self-reported attitudes towards traffic violations and the gains or motivations influencing the violation of traffic laws in Kumasi. A total of 285 drivers were sampled for the study drawn from local bus terminals and taxi stations, work places, universities and other gatherings within the Kumasi Metropolis. Both self-completed questionnaires and interviews were used for the study. The results of the study showed that gender and age have significant influence on attitudes towards the commission of traffic violations though not by a large margin. The perceived gains associated with traffic violations also to a large extent influence driver attitude towards traffic violation in Kumasi with men being more motivated by the perceived gains to be derived from traffic violations than females. Neither significant nor great age differences were found regarding the extent to which perceived gains influenced the commission of traffic violations. Plausible explanations and implications for these findings to traffic safety campaigns as well as methodological issues are discussed. Suggestions for further research are also highlighted.

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