Volume List  / Volume 9 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(2).10

9 / 2 / 255 - 269 Pages


Nikola Vojtek - Holiday Pirates, Belgrade, Serbia -

Bojan Smudja - Holiday Pirates, Belgrade, Serbia -


This paper analyses feedback process in airline industry, focus on currently available tools and use findings from both literature review and survey to propose recommendations for improvement. Airlines are using gathered information to align their commercial strategies and improve services and operations. Considering existing feedback mechanisms, the question arises how to improve the overall feedback process in order to obtain more relevant insights from the passengers. Research in this paper was conducted in two phases. In phase one, current feedback processes and tools were analyzed and findings are presented in a form of a literature review. In phase two, survey was commenced in the period Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 and a 200 responses were gathered. Literature review indicated that airlines need to have a reliable way of collecting and analyzing feedback, and that passengers are expecting transparent behavior of airline, personalized and high quality service. Main points of the survey results analysis indicated that frequency of travel is not associated with whether the passenger will leave feedback or not and that membership in loyalty programs is associated with whether the passenger will leave feedback or not.

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