DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(1).05
6 / 1 / 51-62 Pages
Manjurali Imadadali Balya - Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India -
With increase in city size and population in developing country like India, the travel demand is increasing very fast which calls for an efficient and effective transit to fulfill the demand of travelling public. The transit accessibility is one of the most alarming factors of the increased urbanized areas of these cities. The case study presented the spatial transit accessibility index modeling with due consideration factors viz. walking distance and walking time of the study area. The spatial accessibility is measured on the basis of home interview data and as well on GIS base to develop “Accessibility Catchments†through buffering process for different accessibility scales of radius of 250m, 350m etc. The catchment areas marked provide the scope to identify “Accessibility Thirst Areasâ€. The research work further addresses the development of proposed LOS for both distance and time units. The transit accessibility index modeling and proposed LOS of the present study shows the promising results and can apply to the same sized urban cities. These findings presented in the paper are case specific and can be apply as a base for finding the spatial accessibility status for metropolitan cities.
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public transportation;
Spatial Transit Accessibility Index (STAI);
Geographical Information System (GIS);
Level of Service (LOS);
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