DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2022.12(3).02
12 / 3 / 315-321 Pages
Jatoth Jithender - Transportation Division, Civil Engineering Department, NIT, Warangal, Telangana, India -
Analysis of amber phase effect on evaluating the performance of signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions is a primary component of traffic signal analysis and design. From previous studies, assessing the performance of signalized intersections is mainly conducted in homogeneous traffic conditions. The amber phase effect is high during the inter transmission of signal phases for the first few vehicles, predominantly due to driver behaviour, and it also confirmations the impact on not only fourth or fifth vehicle but also vehicles at end of the queue. However, this may be the case mostly under heterogeneous traffic conditions, such as those in India, which also the additional problem of lacking lane discipline. The present study evaluates the performance of signalized intersection with effect of amber phase on queue length and delay at approaches of selected confluences. The analysis was carried out using field data collected from approaches of two signalized intersections through video graphic technic in Hyderabad City. The queue-up behaviour analyzed with effect of amber phase for the duration of each cycle obtained from the field was compared with active and inactive conditions of amber phase. Average control delay and queue length at selected intersections were reduced as soon as the amber phase was lively condition. Hence, the present study determined that the amber phase helps to improve the safety and efficiency of a signalized intersection.
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queue length;
mixed traffic;
amber phase;
signalized intersection;
traffic safety;
Indian highway capacity manual;
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