DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(3).06
4 / 3 / 320-338 Pages
Sheela Alex - College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India -
The efficiency of a transportation network depends upon the performance characteristics of its various components. To improve the efficiency, proper planning and design of various facilities have to be implemented. For this, simulation models seem to be more powerful than analytical procedure. This paper focuses on simulating traffic movements at signalised intersections by developing a micro simulation model using a high level programming language. The developed model TRAFFICSIM, which is highly user friendly, is capable of simulating any traffic movements at various geometric as well as signal phasing characteristics. TRAFFICSIM is a true replication of the original traffic scenario as it is capable of updating the acceleration, lateral and linear spacing as well as deceleration characteristics which is highly influenced by the traffic behaviour and signal phasing. The validated model is then applied to determine the saturation flow models during 100% car only condition as well as mixed traffic conditions. The saturation flow model developed under 100% car only condition is s = 522w, where s is the saturation flow in pc/hr and w is the carriageway width in m. The saturation flow obtained under 100% car only both in homogeneous condition and in a mixed traffic condition is 1911 pc/hr and 1908 pc/hr respectively which shows close agreement with the HCM values.
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