DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2022.12(3).07
12 / 3 / 373-393 Pages
Md. Aminul Islam - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh and Transport Planner, Nippon Koei Bangladesh Limited, Bangladesh -
Mode choice behavior is a key element in public transport planning, as it has a direct impact on the design of urban transport system infrastructure, and is also the basis for urban public transport planning and management policymaking. The model is used to analyze and predict the choices that individuals or groups of individuals make in selecting the transportation modes that are used for particular types of trips. Typically, the goal is to predict the share or the absolute number of trips made by mode. An important objective in mode choice modeling is to predict the share of trips attracted to public transportation, this share eventually used in travel demand modeling in its modal split step. This specialized report is prepared using the mode choice model developed under the Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development (MRT Line-5 Northern Route) study adopting stated preference (SP) method to estimate the mode choice. Stated preference methods use in the transport sector to grab the preferences in a set of transport modes to estimate the utility functions which is usually used to predict the user’s choice of nonexistent transport mode in the urban network before implementation.
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modal split;
discrete choice model;
nested Logit;
stated preference (SP) survey;
value of time (VOT);
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