Volume List  / Volume 2 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2012.2(4).04

2 / 4 / 333-346 Pages


Sudhanshu Sekhar Das - RSR Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India -

Santanu Ghosh - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302, India -

Bhargab Maitra - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302, India -

Manfred Boltze - Transport Planning and Trac Engineering, Darmstadt University of Technology, Petersenstr. 30, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany -


Several approaches have been suggested by researchers for identifying the best feasible tree structure for Nested Logit (NL) model. This paper demonstrates an experience of applying those approaches while identifying the best feasible tree structure for NL model with reference to a case study of feeder service to bus stop in rural India. Heteroscedastic Extreme Value (HEV) model, fully degenerated tree structure NL (DGNL) model and several nested logit models based on natural partition principle were developed and analyzed for identifying the most optimal NL model. The results presented in the paper are case specific but the experiences documented could be useful for selecting the optimal tree structure for NL model in other cases.

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The work presented in this paper is carried out with support from Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Authors express their sincere thanks to these institutions for their support towards international exchange and research.


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