Volume List  / Volume 10 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(2).03

10 / 2 / 153 - 168 Pages


Anis Ivanović - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia -

Nataša Bojković - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia -

Marijana Petrović - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia -


Choice Based Conjoint (CBC) Analysis identifies customer preferences according to the key characteristics of the service, providing the opportunity to create an optimal offer. Since preferences are measured at the individual level, it is possible to gain insight into the heterogeneity of the market and to segment it using cluster analysis methods. This paper demonstrates how CBC and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) can be used to segment the passenger air transport market. An empirical example relates to a case study of air transport in Serbia.

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