DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(3).10
10 / 3 / 402-414 Pages
Aryan Hosseinzadeh - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Louisville, W.S. Speed, Louisville, KY, USA -
In recent decades, enhancing the share of walking in individuals’ daily trips has become a priority for transportation policymakers, urban planners and public health researchers as an interdisciplinary area. In this regard, determining influential factors on walking has become a matter of contention to move toward a sustainable mode of transportation. This study investigates the impact of the influencing factors on the share of walking in trip generation from/to Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) of a city across four trip purposes. In this study, individuals’ trip information for four trip purposes has been tested in order to detect influencing factors on walking trip generation based on 112 TAZs for the city of Rasht, Iran. According to the results, density and design are found to be more influential for produced walking trips and diversity is shown to be more effective for attracted walking trips.
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built environment;
trip generation;
transportation network design;
population density;
land use diversity;
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