Volume List  / Volume 5 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(2).04

5 / 2 / 120-133 Pages


Krishna Saw - Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat-395007, India -

Bhimaji K. Katti - Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat-395007, India -

Gaurang J. Joshi - Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat-395007, India -


Transportation planning for any city evolves on the basis of complex interplay between urban activity, transport and land use system to result in varied travel patterns. Travel pattern can be defined at micro level to include individual journey departure and arrival time, journey duration and distances to make way for temporal trip generation and distribution from specific area. Trip generation is the first step of four stages of travel forecasting analysis mostly followed all over the world. Traditionally, it is focused on the prediction of aggregate trip generation by a household rather than the choice of individual activity participation. However, spatial and temporal activity domains are equally important in forecasting process and strategic urban transportation planning. The present paper attempts to develop Activity Based (AB) Temporal Trip Generation Models (ABTGM) for primary activities to cover work and educational trips considering fast growing Surat city of Gujarat, India as study area. Home interview surveys are carried to provide household and socioeconomic characteristics and the activity travel diary information to focus on the activity based tours rather the trips.

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