Volume List  / Volume 10 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(1).01

10 / 1 / 1-14 Pages


Olja ÄŒokorilo - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -


Development capacities and improvement of pilot education in the future will require the application of modern methods and models. These models will guide the development process and the future career of professional pilots within the framework of safety culture and Safety Management System (SMS). The development process aims to enable an adequate balance of the current performance of the individual and the strengthening of his skills and abilities in relation to the principles of just culture. Similar to the Reason model, the entire process can be directed through four pillars: inputs, people, process and outputs. Modern coaching principles allow selection of appropriate models based on individuals rather than on the process. To this end, modern coaching models GROW and Co-Active will be considered in this paper. The paper aims to highlight the importance of introducing coaching in the education of professional civil aviation pilots and the expected positive effects on the development of a professional and safety culture in aviation industry.

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