Volume List  / Volume 9 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(1).09

9 / 1 / 118-126 Pages


Emre KuÅŸkapan - Erzurum Technical University, Civil Engineering, Transportation Department, 25050, Erzurum, Turkey -

Kadir Diler Alemdar - Erzurum Technical University, Civil Engineering, Transportation Department, 25050, Erzurum, Turkey -

Ömer Kaya - Erzurum Technical University, Civil Engineering, Transportation Department, 25050, Erzurum, Turkey -

Muhammed Yasin Çodur - Erzurum Technical University, Civil Engineering, Transportation Department, 25050, Erzurum, Turkey -


Traffic accidents in the world cause various losses in economic and social aspects. Although the recovery of economic losses can be made easily and in a short time, it is not possible to recovery for social losses. Despite precautionary measures, it is seen that the loss of lives in traffic accidents does not decrease to the desired level. When the accidents are examined, it is seen that a large part is human caused. The first order is traffic accidents caused by driver mistakes. However, the amount of accident caused by the pedestrian is too much. Having a variety of sanctions for drivers can be a deterrent, but for pedestrian defects, this situation is neglected and it seems that the necessary sanctions are few. In this study; it has been examined pedestrian defects occurring in traffic accidents in Turkey. Various evaluations were made by using statistical data and solution proposal for pedestrian-vehicle traffic accidents.

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