DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2017.7(4).09
7 / 4 / 516-533 Pages
Slaven Gašparović - Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 19/II, Zagreb, Croatia -
In this research, transport disadvantaged space is determined by interrelation between the space itself and public transport. Study was divided into two segments using GIS tools and mathematical operations. The first part of the analysis determined buffer space around each public transport station of the City of Zagreb regarding to residential purpose land-use. For the daily public transport buffer space was 400 m, while for the night it was 800 meters. Both of these public transport aspects pointed to certain spaces of the City of Zagreb which were not covered by public transport. The second aspect of this research included parameter of public transport frequencies. For the daily public transport, average frequency per hour was calculated for each bus- and train- station in the City of Zagreb, with exception of tramway stations, due to high frequency of tramway lines. Thereby, the public transport stations with below- and above-average frequencies were differentiated. These values were paired with buffer of 400 m, thereby obtaining city spaces which gravitate to below- or above-average frequent public transport stations. This research pointed out city districts that are highly transport disadvantaged. Especially outstanding parts are south, southwest, east and northeast part of the City of Zagreb.
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