Volume List  / Volume 6 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(3).05

6 / 3 / 289-302 Pages


Kiarash Ghasemlou - Ä°stanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, 34469, Ä°stanbul, Turkey -

Metin Mutlu Aydın - Gümüşhane University, Department of Civil Engineering, 29000, Gümüşhane, Turkey -

Mehmet Sinan Yıldırım - Celal Bayar University, Department of Civil Engineering, 45030, Manisa, Turkey -


Various factors (illegal parking, the existence of a bus stop, road surface deformations etc.) generally cause blockage on traffic flow at signalized intersections. These factors have a negative effect on capacity of signalized intersections. This study examines the blockage effect of a bus stop and a road surface deformation on capacity of a signalized intersection by implementing a Cell Transmission Model (CTM). Study has conducted extensive simulation experiments that captures traffic parametres and evaluates complex traffic flow interactions on signalized intersections using cell transmission concept. In analyses, boundary conditions were defined by means of input and output cells with infinite sizes and proper capacity values. It is assumed that vehicles have instantaneous acceleration and deceleration properties such as vehicles’ movement or stop instantaneously from their current situation when encountered a bottleneck situation. The results of simulation experiments indicate that if blockage on traffic flow is far from the signalized intersections, negative effects on the capacity were decreased. Also results pointed that the dominant factor was considered as the distance between the surface deformation area/bus stop and signalized intersection for the capacity change.

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