DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2013.3(1).04
3 / 1 / 45-53 Pages
Emma Logo - BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Ergonomics and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary -
All human activities, including transportation have an impact and put pressure on the environment. If anybody would be asked with questionnaire or interview, claims to be environmentally conscious in transportation, but acts another way. Environmental awareness in transport is difficult to measure with “traditional†way, because the real actions and the human subjectivity cannot be measured these ways. The idea behind the development of Q-methodology was to inquire into the subjectivity of human mind. This article theoretically investigated the possibility of measuring environmental awareness in road transportation with this methodology.
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This work is connected to the scientific program of the “Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME†project. This project is supported by the Szechenyi Development Plan (Project ID: TÃMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/ KMR-2010-0002). Special thanks to Adam Török for his valuable contribution.
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