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1 / 1 / 41 - 47 Pages


Olja ÄŒokorilo - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -


The aircraft maintenance is a complex and costly procedure (12-15% of total annual company costs). In this paper, aircraft maintainability was investigated by multi-attribute analyzing of non-time dependant parameters. With the aim of defining aircraft maintainability rank, the modified MAXMIN method was developed. The research was realized on the sample of five representative regional aircraft: Do328JET, CRJ-200, ERJ145, ATR42 and Fokker 50. The results obtained would help determine airline’s fleet.

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This paper is based on the project TR36027: “Software development and national database for strategic management and development of transportation means and infrastructure in road, rail, air and inland waterways transport using the European transport network models” which is supported by the Ministry of science and technological development of Republic of Serbia (2011-2014).


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