Volume List  / Volume 10 (3)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(3).03

10 / 3 / 286 - 295 Pages


Muhammad Haroon - Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan -

Amer Aziz - Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan -


Total travel time from origin to destination determines convenience of public transport system because reliability of total travel time link with public transport. To better serve the needs of people and to decrease travel time, the flexible solutions for public transport system are growing. One such flexible solution is integration of transportation system. The focus of this research is to measure factors that contribute to total travel time. Six major road of Peshawar city are studied to collect data regarding access time, egress time, waiting at transit stop and walking time while mode shifting. Hypothetically significance measured of these four different times upon total travel time to assess transport integration system. The analysis shows that multi-modal public transport trips effect total travel time because, waiting and extra walking time exists in mode transfer. Access and egress times don’t have any positive significance with total travel time because access and egress times are considered part of travel time.

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