DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(1).08
4 / 1 / 103-116 Pages
Ankit Gupta - National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 177005, India -
Pedestrian crossing behavior is analyzed for the provision of proper pedestrian facilities at desired locations, as well as to improve their safety while crossing the road. This paper presents the analysis of pedestrian crossing behavior from a study conducted at Roorkee city (Uttarakhand state in India). The effect of pedestrian characteristics like age, gender and that of carrying baggage and luggage as well as their crossing patterns were examined on pedestrian flow characteristics like crossing speed and waiting time. Pedestrian safety was also analyzed with respect to safety margins and gaps accepted by pedestrian in traffic stream. Crossing patterns were observed for different age group and gender.
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pedestrian crossing behavior;
crossing pattern;
waiting time;
gaps accepted;
safety margins;
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