DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(3).07
10 / 3 / 351 - 370 Pages
Glenn Baxter - School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Suan Dusit University, Huahin Prachaup Khiri Khan, Thailand -
Waste management and waste disposal are now regarded as being amongst the most significant issues in the environmental management of the global airline industry. Consequently, airlines are now making substantial efforts to improve their waste management and reduce waste generation. Using an instrumental case study research approach, this study examines Air New Zealand’s environmentally sustainable waste management programs and strategies. Air New Zealand launched its “Project Green†waste program in 2017. Since its inception, the “Project Green†waste management program together with other waste-related strategies have enabled the airline to mitigate the environmental impact of its annual wastes, especially those disposed to landfill. Air Each year, Air New Zealand generates a heterogeneous range of organic and in-flight service wastes. A major challenge confronted by the airline, in reducing waste to landfill, is the apparent shortage of recycling and composting infrastructure available for the airline to send its waste material to. More robust infrastructure across New Zealand would assist Air New Zealand to keep compostable and recyclable waste out of landfills.
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Air New Zealand;
case study;
re-used wastes;
sustainable waste management;
waste to landfill;
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