DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(1).07
9 / 1 / 81-100 Pages
Panarat Srisaeng - School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Suan Dusit University, Hua Hin Campus 77110, Prachaup Khiri Khan, Thailand -
Airports are extremely energy intensive areas. To mitigate the environmental impact of energy usage and to reduce their reliance on the traditional fossil-based energy sources, many airports around the world have installed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems as part of their environmental sustainability policies. One such airport that has embraced solar photovoltaic (PV) power is South Australia-based Adelaide Airport, who have installed the largest roof-top photovoltaic system at an Australian airport. Using an in-depth exploratory case study design, this paper empirically examines the environmental benefits arising from the use of the system for Adelaide Airport and the solar photovoltaic (PV) ownership model adopted by Adelaide Airports Limited, the airport operator. The qualitative data was analyzed using document analysis. The study found that the solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed at Adelaide Airport has delivered tangible environmental benefits. The system has enabled the airport to not only reduce its energy consumption by approximately 10% but also has enabled the airport to reduce its carbon emissions by an estimated 915 tonnes CO2-e. The system can offset 100% of the airport’s short-term car park’s electricity consumption, with the excess power being diverted to satisfy the other requirements of the airport.
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