DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(3).03
9 / 3 / 290-298 Pages
Snežana Tadić - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia -
Growing competition in the global market imposes the need for proper planning of logistics processes and development of logistics networks, where logistics centers (LCs) as nodes in these network play a key role. LCs can have different structures defined by various elements characteristics, and accordingly different efficiencies. In order to identify those that would represent benchmarks for other LCs it is necessary to define the broadest set of possible structures. However, in practice a number of structures is limited, which doesn't mean there might not be some which would be competitive or more efficient than the existing ones. Therefore the goal of this paper is the modeling of potential LC structures, based on the identified dependencies between the elements characteristics and the existing structures' efficiencies. The model is tested in a case study of modeling a potential intermodal terminal structure as one of the possible LC forms.
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