Volume List  / Volume 2 (2)



2 / 2 / 161-169 Pages


Indranarain Ramlall - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Mauritius, Réduit -


Many countries have adopted important policies in view of curbing the number of injuries/fatal road accidents with the most important being speed limit enforcement. In that respect, Mauritius has recently embarked on a strategy of using cameras in view of detecting violations to speed limits. However, the empirical literature on speed limit offenders is still very poor in terms of modeling. In essence, this paper constitutes the very first study that provides sound econometric modeling for speed limit offenders. Findings suggest that vanilla GARCH can be used to model the number of speed limit offenders. Above all, leverage effects are also noted, clearly showing the importance of the type of traffic flow of speed limit offenders which underpins the non-compliance/breach to speed limits. Furthermore, results show the presence of strong weekend effects as confirmed by the dummy variable. The research is expected to provide a momentum in the use of GARCH models for traffic modeling not only for Mauritius but also for other countries in the world.

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