DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(2).07
9 / 2 / 210 - 220 Pages
Minal S. - Transportation Planning & Environmental Division,CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi,110025, India -
Metro is the most efficient and sustainable mode of transport in Delhi. Delhi metro helps in transferring a large volume of commuters in an efficient manner. With a growing population and development of infrastructure in Delhi, need for metro is increasing in all the regions of the city. Thus, Delhi Metro Corporation planned and executed further metro expansion from phase II to phase III. This paper studies the metro passenger assignment using Time table based approach in macroscopic simulation software VISUM. This study has been carried out to analyze the effect of increase in ridership and to deduce the factors which are responsible for the change in traffic assignment in the current metro network (2018). The objectives of this study are to compare the Phase II metro network with phase III, and to study the effects due to the extension and addition of metro lines under Phase III. From the study, it was observed that with the implementation of phase III metro plan, both ‘journey time’ and ‘in vehicle travel time’ are reduced and ‘average speed’ of journey through metro is increased. Further, ‘passenger kilometer travel’ and ‘boarding and alighting’ have increased tremendously.
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Authors are very grateful to the Director, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute for allowing us to publish this paper. Also this study acknowledges the resource of data collected for the project of “Development and Application of Technologies for Sustainable Transportation (SUSTRANS)â€, a 12th Five Year Plan project sponsored by Government of India and Project OLP-0603 sponsored by CSIR- Central Road Research Institute.
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