DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(4).05
8 / 4 / 455 - 465 Pages
Muhammed Yasin Çodur - Erzurum Technical University, Civil Engineering, Transportation Department, 25050, Erzurum, Turkey -
As the number of vehicles increased in the world, more traffic accidents happen and traffic accidents have become one of the important problems in the World. According to the researches and statistical information made, traffic accidents cause material and spiritual loss as much as natural disasters. Because of this, traffic accidents have an important role in the policies of the countries. Therefore, many studies are being conducted in this area. Some of these studies have focused on traffic accident analysis. By analyzing the traffic accident, it is very important to determine the points where traffic accidents are concentrated. These points; can be detected with the help of Geographical Information System. In this study, points of density traffic accidents were identified and black-sites were determined using the 2017 traffic accident data of Erzurum province, in Turkey. Various suggestions were made to reduce traffic accidents, at the black-sites and in the whole city.
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