DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(3).05
8 / 3 / 309-319 Pages
Adepu Ramesh - Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India -
In our country traffic flow is heterogeneous and is governed by traffic characteristics as driver behavior, road geometry etc. Increase in traffic volume and limited road way width should be promptly addressed by traffic engineers who shall provide solutions which shall be more competent than traditional signalized designs. The recommendations suggested by the traffic engineer for improving signalized intersection shall be less expensive than providing interchanges. Metropolitan cities like Hyderabad are also experienced with delay and congestion due to ineffective traffic signal operation. Non –lane based traffic behavior, varying pavement width and driver characteristics are a few reasons for delay and congestion on our city roads. Improvement in the above context can be achieved through lane prioritization, alternative routes etc. This improvements will certainly reduce the impact on fuel consumption, improves safety and Level of Service at signalized intersection. In this context a study was carried at selected four major intersections (Bowenpally, Fathenagar, Balanagar and Alwyn) in Hyderabad city and was evaluated for existing traffic signal facilities. Parameters such as delay and queue length and Level of Service (LOS) were considered for evaluation. It is observed from simulation results that all the four intersections provide longer delay, larger queue length on major approaches of the intersections. These intersections were improved by providing alternative route for U–turn and left turn traffic movements which is achieved through channelization. Delays, average queue lengths were improved at all the four intersections. This has also resulted in achieving improved of level of services at the all signalized intersections.
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