Volume List  / Volume 4 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2014.4(1).03

4 / 1 / 35-51 Pages


Emmanuel Kwesi Nyantakyi - Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854, Kumasi-Ghana -

Prince Appiah Owusu - Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854, Kumasi-Ghana -

Julius Kwame Borkloe - Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854, Kumasi-Ghana -


Signalized intersections are vital nodal points in a transportation network and their efficiency of operation greatly influences the entire network's performance. Traffic simulation models have been widely used in both transportation operations and traffic analyses because simulation is safer, less expensive, and faster than field implementation and testing. This study assessed performance indication measures at Amakom intersection using micro simulation models in Synchro/SimTraffic. Traffic, geometric and signal control data including key parameters with greatest impact on the calibration process were collected on the field. At 5% significant level, the Chi square test and t-test analyses revealed that headway had a strong correlation with saturation flow compared to speed for both field and simulated conditions. It was concluded that changes in phasing plan with geometric improvement would improve upon the intersection’s level of service.

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The authors would like to acknowledge the management of Kumasi Polytechnic, Kumasi headed by the Rector Prof. N.N.N. Nsowah-Nuamah, for providing financial assistance and also Department of Urban Roads (DUR), Kumasi for giving information on signalized intersections in the Kumasi Metropolis. Several supports from staff of the Civil Engineering Department, KNUST and Kumasi Polytechnic, Kumasi are well appreciated.


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