Volume List  / Volume 7 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2017.7(4).07

7 / 4 / 487-497 Pages


Manjurali Imadadali Balya - Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India -

Rakesh Kumar - Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India -


Public transit system plays a vital role in economic development for access to the commuters in urban locations. To ensure accessibility of public transit system is a daunting task faced by developing countries due to the lack of feeder services. The present study examines research on proposed feeder mode service choices as walking as one mode with three optional service categories such as Exclusive Footpath Service (EFS), Special Shoulder Treatment for Pedestrian only (SSTP) and Pedestrian allow in Mixed Traffic (PMT) services. The Multinomial Logit (MNL) Model is used to analyze the proposed integrated services for Bus Rapid Transit System corridor of Ahmedabad City in SPSS environment. The findings revealed the increase in travel time and travel distance causes the user's choice decrease to the proposed services and shift to personal vehicles for access to the stops. The prediction accuracy of the proposed model is 49.4% which is greater than the proportional by chance accuracy criteria of 47.9% indicates the model was satisfied. The output of this research paper is based on case study, but the proposed methodology can apply as base for introducing the proposed walking feeder mode services of the same sized metropolitan cities.

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