Volume List  / Volume 6 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(4).10

6 / 4 / 495-502 Pages


Mehrnaz Doustmohammadi - Department of Industrial and System Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA -

Michael Anderson - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA -

James Swain - Department of Industrial and System Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA -


Traffic impact analyses are necessary to predict traffic levels for new developments. The initial step, trip generation, determines the number of trips expected to enter and exit the facility after opening which is the basis for the remaining steps. This paper evaluates trips generation at a free standing discount superstore to determine, through statistical analysis, if the current design guides are accurate. The paper examines the traffic predicted and observed from a new development to determine the appropriateness of the trip generation rates. The paper concludes that the current rates are not accurately capturing the total traffic and are potentially leading to an under design of the infrastructure necessary to provide smooth traffic flow in the area post-development.

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