DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(4).01
9 / 4 / 358 - 364 Pages
Bianka Karoly - HungaroContorl Ltd. H-1185 Budapest, Igló utca 33-35, Hungary and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transport Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, H-1111, Muegyetem rkp 3, Hungary -
Scheduling and coordinating the departures and arrivals at the airport can be difficult if there is a delay that has to be taken into account, but relying on a statistical model that bases on historical data could result in better prediction for the future. Therefore, in this study the authors investigate the nature of the airport delays with statistical tools. First the airport delay is defined and the hypothesis was formed. In this paper authors investigated if airport delay follows a normal distribution. Moreover detailed description of used statistical tools are mentioned. In third paragraph the results are examined briefly. As conclusion authors found that generally airport delay not followed normal distribution.
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