Volume List  / Volume 5 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(4).08

5 / 4 / 442-450 Pages


Mayank Dubey - School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India -

Sewa Ram - School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India -

Pradeep Kumar Sarkar - School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India -


Weaving is the cause of disturbance in traffic stream, because weaving vehicles must resort to lane changes within the length of weaving section available on ground. This tends to reduce the throughput and results in bottleneck of road system. Since the vehicles don’t get safe gaps in stream, forced gap acceptance lead to unsafe lane changing operation towards the end of weaving sections and result in building up of queue. Research on issues of weaving sections is important for traffic administration as well as for facility design, especially for enhancing the efficiency and safety of road system. This research is aimed at developing to provide a relationship between the stream speed and available weaving lengths at different Level of Service (LOS) further, another approach to assess the desired weaving length for given speed and LOS is suggested. As the conditions were actual and the data was collected without disturbing the prevailing conditions, therefore results were obtained for specific set of LOS and prevailing speeds on the case corridor.

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