Volume List  / Volume 5 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(2).07

5 / 2 / 170-183 Pages


B Raghuram Kadali - Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 522 101, India -

Tadi Chiranjeevi - Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 522 101, India -

Rankireddy Rajesh - Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 522 101, India -


Pedestrian is one of the important component in urban transportation system and also vulnerable at un-protected mid-block locations under mixed traffic conditions. At un-protected mid-block locations, some of the vehicles may yield to pedestrians who are already at crosswalk location. However, some of the pedestrians are using forced gaps to cross the road. Hence, while pedestrians use the mid-block crosswalk with forced gaps, which decreases the vehicular flow characteristics. The pedestrian sidewalks do not show a direct effect on the vehicular flow characteristics when the pedestrian have pleasant walking facilities. The present study has analyzed the effect of pedestrian crossing on the characteristics of vehicular flow at mid-block location under mixed traffic conditions. The results indicate that the pedestrian forced gap condition has significant effect on vehicular characteristics. The study results may be useful for decreasing the travel time for vehicular drivers by controlling usage of pedestrian forced gaps.

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