Volume List  / Volume 5 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2015.5(2).09

5 / 2 / 197-209 Pages


Sheela Alex - College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India -

Kuncheria P. Isaac - Kerala Technological University, Trivandrum, India -


The traffic stream behaves differently in a mixed traffic condition as compared to that of a homogeneous condition. In a mixed traffic condition, as the traffic behaviour is always fluctuating based on the interaction caused by the surrounding elements, it is essential that the factors which affect the dynamic nature of the traffic characteristics should be considered for the proper design of the system. The paper highlights the methodology for developing the dynamic Passenger Car Unit (PCU) under various vehicular interactions for mixed traffic conditions prevalent in India. Experiments were carried out using the micro simulation model, TRAFFICSIM, which was developed for signalised intersections by the authors and reported elsewhere. The dynamic PCU values were obtained based on the analysis of the outputs of TRAFFICSIM, for varying approach width, traffic composition, stream speed and traffic volume. Modified area occupancy concept was used to develop Dynamic PCU values in a mixed traffic condition. In the modified area occupancy method, the area occupancy of the vehicle types for various traffic compositions is compared with area occupancy of the passenger cars in a car only traffic condition having the same stream speed. The study showed that the PCU values are highly sensitive to the given traffic conditions such as approach width, traffic composition, stream speed as well as flow ratio.

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