DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2012.2(4).05
2 / 4 / 347-358 Pages
Mehdi Moeinaddini - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Built Environment, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia -
Neighborhoods with similar design may have different travel behavior due to the impacts of socio-economic indicators. There are also some effective indicators such as residents’ income, age, and self-selection factors related to this case that cannot be evaluated easily, which question the reliability of previous efforts to describe the effects of private motorized trips indicators on car usage universally. On the other hand, private motorized trips indicators are effective factors that influence travel behavior but these indicators have not been evaluated in considerable studies. This paper introduces a multiple-linear regression analysis to estimate the relationship of private motorized trips indicators and car usage in various cities in different parts of the world with various socio-economic contexts. So, the results of this study are reliable enough to illustrate this relationship with international scale. The significant private motorized trips factors are also identified in this research for being utilized in car reduction strategies in urban areas.
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private motorized trips indicators;
private car usage;
sustainable urban transport planning;
multiple-linear regression;
The authors wish to thank all of those who supported this research for their useful comments during the completion. The research data underlying this paper were funded by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
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