DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2012.2(3).07
2 / 3 / 253-270 Pages
Akhilesh Kumar Maurya - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, India – 781039 -
Deceleration characteristics of vehicles are important for intersection design, deceleration lane design, traffic simulation modeling, vehicular emission and fuel consumption modeling, etc. Heterogeneous traffic stream consists of vehicles with wide variation in their physical dimensions, weight to power ratio and dynamic characteristics, which affect their deceleration behaviour. Majority of past studies are restricted to deceleration behaviour study of cars and trucks in homogenous traffic. Present study aims to analyze the deceleration behaviour of different vehicles types (like truck, car, motorized two and three-wheeler) on Nagpur-Mumbai Express Highway at Wardha, India. Drivers were asked to decelerate their vehicles from their maximum speed to zero speed in shortest time and their speed profiles are collected using Global Positioning System. Deceleration behaviour of different vehicle types is significantly different. Vehicles with higher maximum speed have higher deceleration time, deceleration distance, maximum and mean deceleration rates during their deceleration manoeuvre. In deceleration manoeuvre, vehicle’s deceleration rate initially increases, attains the maximum deceleration and decreases afterwards. A dual regime model is developed to describe deceleration behaviour over entire speed range of all vehicle types except car. For car, a second order polynomial is proposed.
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