DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2012.2(3).08
2 / 3 / 271-285 Pages
Md. Mahmud Hasan - School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne 3001, Australia -
This paper presents a method for the identification of hazardous situations on the freeways. For this study, about 18 km long section of Eastern Freeway in Melbourne, Australia was selected as a test bed. Three categories of data i.e. traffic, weather and accident record data were used for the analysis and modelling. In developing the crash risk probability model, classification tree based model was developed in this study. In formulating the models, it was found that weather conditions did not have significant impact on accident occurrence so the classification tree was built using two traffic indices; traffic flow and vehicle speed only. The formulated classification tree is able to identify the possible hazard and non-hazard situations on freeway. The outcome of the study will aid the hazard mitigation strategies.
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road hazard;
traffic parameter;
classification tree;
crash risk model;
decision tree;
The author is greatly indebted to Dr. Shamas Bajwa for his helpful and expert suggestions. Thanks to Mr. Jude Jusayan and Tim Strickland of Vic Roads and the authority of Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) for providing the data.
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