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1 / 4 / 245-256 Pages


Rita Markovits-Somogyi - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Transport Economics, Bertalan L. u. 2, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary -


Data envelopment analysis is a non-parametric linear programming method capable of the efficiency evaluation of decision making units (e.g. public transport companies). It is very often used in the transport sector for the efficiency assessment of airports, ports, railways and public transport companies. However, the original DEA method does not differentiate the efficient firms and thus, does not create full ranking. To overcome this problem, several methods have been developed with the aim of enlarging the distinguishing power of DEA. The present article aims to review these methods with a special emphasis on the ones elaborated in the last decade.

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This work is connected to the scientific program of the “Development of qualityoriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME” project. This project is supported by the New Széchenyi Plan Project ID: TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002). This work is also related to the scientific content of the project “Modeling and multi-objective optimization based control of road traffic flow considering social and economical aspects” supported by program CNK 78168 of OTKA.


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