Volume List  / Volume 13 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte2023.13(1).05

13 / 1 / 50-67 Pages


Jelena Milutinović - Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade - Department School of Information and Communication Technologies -


The trend of depopulation of rural areas affects the reduction of the number of local facilities such as schools, post offices, and shops. There is often a fear that the closure of a local facility will negatively affect the availability of certain services and amenities of rural life. The concept of postal service has changed in parallel with the development and progress of human society. Today, this term goes beyond its primary role of connecting at all levels of society and becomes a service through which broader social goals are achieved. Due to its importance, which is reflected in the specific social value for both individuals and legal entities and the social role in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, positive impact on the environment, traditional cooperation with other state bodies, strengthening of patriotism, safety, and security, there is a need to this humane concept is protected, developed, diversified and maintained especially in underdeveloped and devastated areas and especially for the most sensitive population groups.

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