DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2021.11(1).05
11 / 1 / 94 - 101 Pages
Péter Ficzere - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis, Hungary -
Additive manufacturing is becoming more widespread in many areas of life, for instance, in the transport industry. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that machines, raw materials, and production are getting cheaper and cheaper. In all cases, the production cost is a driving force of profit, likewise in vehicle manufacturing. The cheaper the technology, the more it spreads. Many factors influence manufacturing costs. One of these is the cost impact of positioning a component's manufacturing position (locating it in the workspace). That is why it has been investigated in the following study. Based on these, the traditional pricing strategy could be simplified. From the results, it could be concluded how economically is worth to place the parts in the working space of the machine.
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