Volume List  / Volume 11 (1)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2021.11(1).10

11 / 1 / 161-183 Pages


Dominika Mońka - Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Maritime and Mechanical Engineering, UK -

Robyn Pyne - Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Maritime and Mechanical Engineering, UK -

Dimitrios Paraskevadakis - Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Maritime and Mechanical Engineering, UK -

Alan Bury - Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Maritime and Mechanical Engineering, UK -


International transport has grown dynamically in Poland since it becomes a European Union (EU) member. This being the case, it is now, more than ever, important to identify the approaches that are most suitable for delivering sustainable freight transport to the nation. Intermodal options appear to be the most appropriate for this task. This study examines the development of intermodal freight transport in Poland from 2007 to 2016. It considers the barriers overcome and that remain to be overcome as well as identifying opportunities for further development. Initially, secondary data sourced from the Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Urząd Transportu Kolejowego and Eurostat databases, was utilised to explore the situation. This was then reinforced by primary data collection, in the form of a survey, the aim of which being to validate the reviewed literature and the findings of the derived from the database data with the subjective perspective of the respondents. It was found that although the prevalence of intermodal transport has an upward trend in Poland its uptake remains significantly lower than in other EU member states. The major issue inhibiting the development of intermodal transport in Poland is the condition of the nation’s infrastructure. This is accompanied by an element of concern for the external costs generated by intermodal carriers. However, Poland’s participation in a range of EU funded projects that support the modernisation of its ageing infrastructure has been, and remains, a major driving force behind the ongoing development of the intermodal transportation of freight within the country.

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