Volume List  / Volume 10 (4)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(4).02

10 / 4 / 432-436 Pages


Tatjana Stanivuk - University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia -

Ladislav Stazić - University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia -

Frane Vidović - Self-employed, Split, Croatia -

Ante Čobanov - University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia -


This paper presents available results of an ongoing research into the computerized ship Planned Maintenance Systems (PMS) and their databases. Evaluation of Computerized Planned Maintenance Databases is, at the moment, a process which requires highly skilled personnel, familiar with the Company structure and policies, familiar with the engineering practices and above all, familiar with the Computer program which is used for the PMS. The ongoing research has the purpose to perform evaluation of the Computerized PMS using normally skilled person, with medium level of skills, without using specially developed tools for the evaluation. During the first part of the research, a new method of evaluation was tried, and the obtained results were compared with the evaluation of the expert which was previously conducted on the same database.

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Part of the research for this article was performed using the equipment obtained through the Project named ''Functional integration of the University of Split, PMF-ST, PFST and KTF-ST through development of scientific and research infrastructure in three faculties building'', contract number KK.


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