DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(4).10
10 / 4 / 519-533 Pages
Snežana Tadić - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -
Due to the development of e-commerce and specific customer habits and requirements, in recent decades an increasing number of companies offer home delivery service, which is the flow of goods from the business to the consumer (B2C) at the end of the supply chain ("last mile”). The main characteristic and difference of home delivery in relation to other ways of supplying customers/households (traditional customer purchase, "click & collect" purchase, door-to-door sales) is the engagement of companies in picking/physical preparation and delivery of ordered goods to customers. Delivery characteristics depend on a number of factors and circumstances, preferences, goals and interests of stakeholders (customers, companies, governments), but there is also a strong interdependence, with the type of goods having a dominant influence on other delivery characteristics. Planning, organization and implementation of the process of ordering, picking, delivery and return of goods are a serious challenge for companies' logistics and information systems, generate high costs, increase freight transport and have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, delivery characteristics are an important area of research and optimization of systems that implement this service. This paper analyzes the concept, basic characteristics and criteria for structuring home deliveries. In this way, the systematization of basic scientific knowledge about home delivery was performed and the basis for future research of various aspects of this field was created.
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