Volume List  / Volume 10 (2)



DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(2).07

10 / 2 / 215 - 228 Pages


Amirreza Nickkar - Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA -

Hyeon-Shic Shin - Department of City and Regional Planning, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA -

Young-Jae Lee - Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies, Morgan State University, Baltimore, USA -


The study of connected vehicles (CVs) has become a hot topic in recent years. Understanding the characteristics that lead consumers to relate to CVs motivates researchers to conduct market analysis studies. The current research investigated the socio-demographic attributes that may contribute to the individual preferences for purchasing CVs. Researchers constructed a series of Alternative-Specific Mixed Logit models to examine the associations between individual preferences of respondents and their willingness to pay for CV features in their future vehicle. The results indicate that hours spent driving play a privileged role among sociodemographic characteristics and driving behavior attributes of respondents. People who drive longer hours tended to purchase CV features. Also, the factor of age had a noticeable effect as the results showed that older people are more likely to purchase CV features.

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The authors thank the National Transportation Center at the Morgan State University for its support. This research was supported by the Connected Vehicle–Infrastructure University Transportation Center at Virginia Polytechnic and State University and the University Transportation Centers Program of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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