DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(1).03
9 / 1 / 22-37 Pages
Lukuman Wahab - School of Engineering, Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana -
Electric motorcycles are one way to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the area of transportation. This survey utilizes both Logit and Probit frameworks to explore the likely factors influencing the adoption of the electric motorcycle in Northern Ghana. The outcomes from the two models are consistent with each other; they have similar signs for every factor except for a slight contrast in the magnitude of the coefficients. A survey was conducted in Northern Ghana to elicit information from motorcyclists through a questionnaire. The model takes into consideration motorcyclists' perceptions about technical specifications of electric motorcycles, such as charging times, the lifespan of the battery, the performance of the electric motorcycle, motorcyclists' perception of the price of the electric motorcycle, driving range and motorcyclists' ages, monthly income, among others. The results reveal that perception of the price of the electric motorcycle, government subsidies, performance of the electric motorcycle, high usage, and maximum distance has a substantial impact on motorcyclists’ willingness to adopt electric motorcycles. The findings of this study will provide constructive advice to diverse stakeholders on the adoption of an electric motorcycle in Ghana.
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