DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(1).10
10 / 1 / 111-125 Pages
Vladan Tubić - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia -
Speed, as one of the basic parameters of the traffic flow, has a great importance in terms of efficiency (level of service, travel time) and safety (number of traffic accidents, consequences and risk of accident occurrence). Speed management includes a series of measures that are applied in order to achieve the balance between safety and efficiency in the traffic flow. One of the most important measures for achieving this goal is to define a credible speed limit, i.e. the speed limit that would allow maximization of the capacity and level of service of the observed section, or minimization of users' costs and the risk of traffic accident occurrence. Considering the fact that improper and unadjusted speed causes a number of significant negative effects, the aim of this paper is to carry out the analysis of the credibility of the existing speed limits, i.e. to determine the factors that impact the speed on two-lane sections of valley roads. In order to achieve this, field research in real-world conditions was carried out using the mobile observation method and an Android phone application. This paper analyzed the speed on the cross-section (time-mean speed). However, it also analyzed the traffic flow speeds on the entire homogeneous impact segment on the basis of automated traffic counters (micro level), as well as on the macro level, i.e. along the six analyzed sections of two-lane rural valley roads (space-mean speed). Also, empirical research determined the speed limit values on the selected sections and free flow speeds on the basis of the Linear Model and by applying the HCS software. Within the speed analysis, the values of operating speeds were determined based on analytical models and methods. In order to obtain a clearer image of the credibility of the existing speed limits, an analysis of the speed limit violations according to classes was carried out.
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This paper was supported by the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (No. 36027).
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