DOI: 10.7708/ijtte.2019.9(4).06
9 / 4 / 408 - 418 Pages
Mohamed Ragab - Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Suez University, Egypt -
Intersections are usually considered the most complex locations in the road network. They have a very considerable effect on operational performance of road traffic. Traffic signals at intersections have a significant effect on traffic operations. Therefore, the objective of this research is to set measures for improving the traffic operations at signalized intersections in urban areas. Two 3-legged intersections located in Mansoura City, Egypt were selected in this study. Vehicle speed and acceleration profiles obtained using GPS device were used to estimate delay times. The micro-simulation software VISSIM was used to model and analyze the selected intersections. The field collected data were used in the calibration and validation processes. The study investigated three scenarios using the developed models; Scenario 0 (original scenario), Scenario 1 (optimization of signal cycle time) and Scenario 2 (increasing of lane width). The evaluation was conducted based on average delay values and LOS. The simulation results indicated that Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 can reduce the delay values resulting the better LOS values from D to C for both selected intersections. Moreover, Scenario 1 exhibited lower delay values than other scenarios for both intersections.
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delay time;
traffic signals;
speed profiles;
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